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Top 10 Battle Pass Cosmetics

In this Blog post we will be going over our personal favorites from the battle pass. Remember, we have different opinions so don't take anything personally. (P.S the battle pass dances are not included).

10.Battle Hawk- Battle Hawk is the first skin you get with carbide. When you buy the battle pass you will receive this skin. Its not a horrible skin but there are definitely better skins and cosmetics in the battle pass.

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9.Sugar Crush Glider- This glider is the glider made for Zoey a skin in the battle pass. There is also a pickax in this set. This glider is definitely not the best glider in the battle pass but its something. Also, it is easy to get because its one of the first things you get in the battle pass. When you deploy the glider it makes a noise as well. 

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8.Lolipopper- The candy axe is part of the Zoey set and the sugar crush glider set. Its a chocalate stick with a green lollipop on one side and red on the other side. When you swing it there is no effect. this makes the pickaxe bland but it is only a blue.

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7.Gale Force- This is another pick axe and goes well with carbide. This is the tier 7 reward in the new battle pass. Without including the Omega pickaxe and Carbide pickaxe, we think it's the better pickaxe of the two.

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6.Carbide- This skin is in the first tier of the new battle pass. You can get new pieces to the skin by leveling up ur profile. He is a legendary skin unlike Battle Hawk. Carbide so far is the best first skin in any battle pass so far.

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5.Wings of Valor- This glider is part of the Valiant set and with the Valor which is also in the Valiant set. It is the 37th tier in the season 4 battle pass. When moving forward with this glider there is a trail adding more affect.

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4. Valor- The 70 tier battle pass reward

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3. Squad Leader-The tier 87 tier reward

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2. Intrepid- Tier 79 reward

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1. Omega- The tier 100 reward

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